Understanding D&O Insurance in Saudi Arabia


With the introduction of Saudi Arabia's new Companies Law, set to come into effect on January 4, 2023, the corporate world in the Kingdom is poised for significant changes. This new legal framework reshapes the responsibilities and liabilities of managers and directors, emphasizing the importance of Directors and Officers (D&O) insurance.

Understanding the New Companies Law

The new law introduces rigorous requirements for company management, placing a greater emphasis on duties of care and loyalty. Managers and directors are now expected to act strictly within their granted powers, prioritize the company's interests, and avoid conflicts of interest. Any failure to adhere to these responsibilities could result in personal liability.

The Growing Need for D&O Insurance

In this evolving legal landscape, D&O insurance becomes increasingly crucial. This insurance provides financial protection against claims resulting from decisions and actions within managerial capacities. With the heightened risk of legal actions against company leaders, D&O insurance offers a safety net, protecting personal assets and covering legal costs.

Insights from FortuneGuard

At FortuneGuard, while we currently do not offer insurance products directly, we understand the critical role of D&O insurance under the new Companies Law. Our focus is on educating businesses about the benefits and necessity of this insurance in safeguarding against the increased liabilities under the new law.

Why D&O Insurance Matters More Than Ever

The changing legal environment in Saudi Arabia makes it imperative for companies to reassess their risk management strategies, particularly regarding executive liability. D&O insurance now plays a pivotal role in corporate governance, offering protection in a landscape marked by stricter regulations and increased accountability.


As Saudi Arabia strides forward in modernizing its corporate regulatory environment, understanding the nuances of D&O insurance is key for businesses. While FortuneGuard is not a direct provider of insurance, we are committed to guiding companies through these changes, ensuring they are well-informed and prepared.

For more insights on navigating the complexities of D&O insurance in Saudi Arabia, stay tuned to our blog or reach out to us at.


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